I planned for 5 days worth of fresh cooked meals, but it just didn't happen. My excuses range from being too tired after coming home from the gym to those uncomfortable and unpleasant side effects of pregnancy. However, I did manage to put together and photograph some
bentos. After figuring out my calorie needs last week, I also tracked my intake on Monday. I was shocked to see how few calories I had prior to dinner. The fact that I eat three meals a days, plus snacks every two hours should make it easy to get over 2000 calories, but when I cut out a lot of the high calorie junk I find it hard to consume enough calories.
Exercise wise, I went to the gym on Sunday and Tuesday, did some ypga-type stretching several days this week, and walked dogs (both at the shelter and at home) today.

^ Friday, January 16
th, I broke out the metal
tiffin. For lunch, I had a black bean burger on whole wheat bread w/ a slice of mozzarella, another salad, and a fruit combo of clementines, kiwi, and blackberries. Yum! The fruit was fantastic.
Another discovery this week was that it's extremely difficult to take photos at night in my kitchen. Grrr! The overhead spotlights are glaring and produce shadows, and it's too dark when I turn them out.
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