Friday, January 8, 2010

Stay at Home Bento - BOMB Bento #1

I noticed Hapa Bento was having a B.O.M.B. bento challenge . While I'm still a novice at the whole bento thing, I figure this is about having fun and eating healthy, not having the most beautiful bento in existence. Even though tomorrow is not a work day, I roasted some veggies for dinner and didn't want to miss out on an opportunity to make a "roasted" bento. My lunch consists of a black bean burger on honey wheat, raspberries and blueberries, roasted Brussels sprouts and roasted sweet potato. I hadn't ever had Brussels sprouts before a couple years ago, but they've become a household favorite. I simply toss the cut up vegetable with a little bit of oil and kosher salt, plus some brown sugar to downplay the bitterness and bake at 400F for about 20minutes. I love it! If the Brussels sprouts are popular, the sweet potatoes are pure heaven to the taste buds. My son is such a huge sweet potato fan, but still has no teeth, so I had to mash up a bowl of the stuff just for him. We couldn't feed it to him fast enough!

Color Code Score
  • Brussels Sprouts - 10 pts
  • Sweet Potato - 10 + 5 pts
  • Blueberries and Raspberries 10 + 5 pts
  • 5pt bonus for eating from all 4 color groups!

This bento is worth 45pts.


Bentobird said...

Lovely roasted bento, just bursting with veggie flavor and nutrition--yum!!

VegetusMaximus said...

Thanks. It was, in fact, tasty :)