Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Back to Bentos 1

I love looking at other people's bentos online. So many beautiful colors, textures, and shapes masterfully arranged. Unfortunately, I tend to get discouraged with my own creations, but like everything in life, I need to practice in order to improve. So here goes it ...

For breakfast today, I had:
  • A homemade Rice-Quinoa-Pumpkin Muffin w/ earth balance spread.
  • Turkey Bacon
  • Strawberries & Blackberries
  • I was supposed to have rice milk to drink, but I forgot! D'oh!

For Lunch:
  • Brown Rice
  • Carrots & Hummus
  • Refried Black Beans
  • Plum, Avocado & Okra
If you'd looked in on my lunch today, you would have seen me eating the refried beans w/ chopsticks. Somehow it seemed wrong. Fun, but wrong.

Senorcito's Food for School:
  • Breakfast was 2 mini Rice-Quinoa-Blueberry Muffins and a Nectarine.
  • Lunch was Brown Rice, Turkey, Avocado, Okra and Carrot Stars.
  • Snack was a portion of Golden Apple and Blueberries plus his Quinoa O's.
Dinner made it's way to tomorrow's bentos (already packed!). I've found a new bento sharing blog called What's For Lunch Wednesday :)


BentoBoxUK said...

Hi! I found you from What's for lunch Wednesday! Nice to meet you and don't be discouraged - looks like you have some great looking food and ideas, so I'll be following you to see what you get up to and cheering you on! :o)

Mommyof2girlz/StephD said...

Wow those are all great and healthy bentos! Happy What's For Lunch Weds!

Alie said...

Ha ha! Had to laugh at the eating refried beans with chopsticks comment!

Shannon said...

Those are amazing first bentos!!! I love all the colors & variety. Would you share the pumpkin quinoa recipe, please? :o)

Thanks so much for linking up this week! :o)

VegetusMaximus said...

Thank you for all the kind comments! It can be tough creating full varied meals with all my son's food allergies, but I'm trying :)

Shannon, I've been meaning to post the muffin recipe, but hadn't made the time yet. I'll try to post it here over the weekend.