Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Baby Bento - Homemade Pasta Sauce

Lately, I've been experimenting with making pasta sauces. Senorcito is no longer happy with plain noodles, and I can't blame him seeing as they pretty much taste like water. Since he can't do tomato sauce, I've been mixing all sorts of other vegetables together. I've found that pretty much anything that starts out with roasted red, orange, or yellow bell peppers and olive oil ends up great. Most recently, I made a sauce with roasted peppers and carrots. Yum!

This Baby Bento contains:
  • Rice Pasta w/ Roasted Pepper and Carrot sauce
  • Chicken-Apple Meatballs (with onion, too)
  • Red Grapes cut in quarters
  • Steamed Broccoli Slaw
Also posted at What's for Lunch at Our House

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